As a writer of prose and poetry, Nick Burbridge has continually concerned himself with life at the margins, offering a provocative blend of black humour and compassion. His style is lucid and articulate, but without literary pretensions: 'an accomplished if controversial writer.'(Avant)

He has published stories in leading literary magazines from Stand to Panurge, and in Arts Council anthologies, New Stories 5, Editor Susan Hill, New Stories 6, Editor Beryl Bainbridge (Hutchinson) and 20 Stories, Editor Francis King (Secker and Warburg).

Stories have also appeared on BBC Radio, with directors like Andy Jordan, and Keith Slade at Pier Productions: typified by Everything But, described in The Observer as 'an elegant story'.

His first collection of poetry On Call (Envoi Poets Publications) appeared in 1994 and received good critical recognition [more]

All Kinds Of Disorder (Waterloo Press) is Nick Burbridge’s second collection of poetry, a pamphlet edition funded by the Arts Council Of England, complete with a five track sampler CD of readings arranged with music and effects by The Levellers’ Jon Sevink. [more]

There is a third, full length collection, The Unicycle Set,
published by Waterloo Press. [more]

Poems have appeared separately in magazines such as Stand, Ambit, Agenda, Acumen, Orbis, Smith’s Knoll, Iron, Envoi, Other Poetry, Litmus, Poetry Nottingham, Krax, Magma, Weyfarers, South West Review, Sol, Maelstrom and others.

Nick is the author of five unpublished literary novels; his sole published full length fictional work is a political thriller Operation Emerald, under the pseudonym Dominic McCartan. [more]

Nick's interest in Irish politics and his career with McDermott's Two Hours led to a meeting in 1988 with Captain Fred Holroyd, an ex military intelligence officer in Ulster. They collaborated on War Without Honour (Medium) launched at the House of Commons in 1989. [more]

He has lately published a series of analytical articles on song-writing and poetry, drawing on his distant academic background. As a First Class English Honours graduate from Exeter University, he wrote a PhD thesis on D.H. Lawrence's Study of Thomas Hardy, where the ideas of a spiritual elite and natural aristocracy were challenged with the same intense personal and political fervour that has fuelled all his subsequent work. In contrast, he has also been instrumental, on a voluntary basis, in encouraging creative writing at his local infant school.

In spite of recurrent bouts of illness, he continues to write prolifically in this vein.